Fractals and Poems Delight and Amuse, But My Favourite Thing? Which One Should I Choose?


Daily Prompt: Express Yourself!

Do you love to dance, sing, write, sculpt, paint, or debate? What’s your favorite way to express yourself, creatively?


Wow!  This Daily Prompt was made for me!

I express myself creatively

In oh, so many different ways

I’m currently going through a phase

Of making everything rhyme

But art for me is also prime.

I do wax paintings and fractal art –

Both things that are close to my heart.  

I do oil paintings, acrylics too

Sketches and watercolours – I’ve done a few.

I’ve made jewellery from wire and stones –

The sparkly kind in various tones.

I’ve made a model of a violin

And danced the jive, it put me in a spin.

I used to be a karaoke queen,

But my favourite thing, it is between

Writing my blog, poetry and art.

So hard to choose, where do I start?

I think, at the moment, it has to be

My current love, my poetry.   🙂


Birds of Paradise 1

“Birds of Paradise” (Fractal Art).  Copyright Lynne Lawer.

A sketch of a cat.

A sketch of a cat.


“Angel” (Fractal Art).  Copyright Lynne Lawer.

A Chippendale.

A sketch of a Chippendale.

"Fireworks" (Fractal Art).  Copyright Lynne Lawer.

“Fireworks” (Fractal Art). Copyright Lynne Lawer.



Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Freedom in a pen | MC’s Whispers
  2. YouTube Clips: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  3. Jamming | Knowledge Addiction
  4. Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
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27 thoughts on “Fractals and Poems Delight and Amuse, But My Favourite Thing? Which One Should I Choose?

  1. Pingback: Daily prompt: Creatively | The Wandering Poet

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Express Yourself | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Express Yourself! | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

          • Thanks.

            but, if you undid most of your choices then you will have a different “present”, would you trade this your present reality for another? are you sure you will like that other reality?


            • I would prefer a different present. I don’t like my present reality and there are many things about it I want to change. I’ve had many years of unhappiness and if different choices earlier in my life would have meant I’d have had a happier life then I would trade this present reality in a heartbeat. What would make me think twice is if I wouldn’t have my daughter or my cats but they would probably show up in the other reality anyway but maybe in a different form. If they were not there, I wouldn’t miss them as I wouldn’t know they ever existed but I couldn’t make the choice to have a different reality if I was certain they would not be there even if I knew I would live a happier life. Maybe it’s a good thing that we can’t undo most of our choices, however, I’m working on changing my present anyway.

              I hope you are enjoying the reality you have created through your choices. 🙂


              • A different reality wouldn’t mean that you wouldn’t be unhappy. maybe you wouldn’t make the choices which you now regret but you will definitely make some other choices too that would make you unhappy in that other “present”. we are humans and we are bound to make mistakes and bad choices. that is why we must learn to embrace our mistakes and learn from them and choose to stay happy, forgive ourselves and move on with our lives. sadly, forgiving ourselves is the hardest thing we can do…

                if you have a choice to go and back and undo the past and then in the process lose your daughter and your cats and the memory of them, would you want to go back?

                well, my present reality is fraught with pain and hurts based on bad choices I have made but I am learning to accept them knowing that the present is not the end, but just a path to my destination. if I work on today, then tomorrow will be better.

                I love your decision to work on the present…by learning from the past bad choices and avoiding them, by thinking through any choice we have to make today, to be sure it wouldn’t haunt us tomorrow and just being happy and hoping for a greater tomorrow.


                • Yes, I probably would end up having just a bad a life as I’m having now.

                  I did say I couldn’t make the choice to have a different reality if I was certain that my daughter and cats would not be there. Maybe it got a bit lost among all my ramblings. 🙂

                  I hope you manage to craft a better life for yourself.


  4. Pingback: [M.M.X.I.V. 95] The dancing feet | Never A Worry

  5. Pingback: My creative ways to amaze and daze. | The Bohemian Rock Star's "Untitled Project"

  6. Pingback: To Be Or Not To Be…Friends ? | Knowledge Addiction

  7. Your poems are great! I think you have found a really good release for you at this time! I also agree with your decision to work on your present, yes we all have things we would MAYBE change from our past but hey, we would most probably still be in this spot where we are, it is our fate. We all need to focus on NOW and live our lives as best we can!
    Keep up the great work! Xx


  8. Pingback: Creativity in pranks, viruses and retaliation: This week’s weird and wacky news « psychologistmimi

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